5 ways to improve internal communications with a hybrid workforce

The way we work has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. In fact, according to ONS, 84 per cent of workers who had to work from home because of the coronavirus pandemic said they planned to carry out a mix of working at home and in their place of work in the future.

With the rapid adoption of remote, hybrid and non-linear working patterns, the nature and role of internal communications has also transformed.

The challenge of keeping distributed employees informed and engaged is real. And while there are many positives to remote or hybrid working, employees can equally feel isolated, lonely and disconnected.

So, how as an internal communication professional are you meeting these multi-faceted challenges? How are you informing, engaging, and connecting with staff at your organisation?

We know it’s tricky, that you’re juggling many balls and have loads of pressure on your shoulders. Not only are you expected to share company news from the CEO, but you’ve also been tasked with giving your grassroots teams a voice too.

You’ve got to keep your colleagues up-to-date, but, like you, they are time poor and overwhelmed by the noise and choice of channels.

So, we spoke to our very own digital communications specialist Pascal Herreweghe to find out his best practice tips on how best to communicate with your remote and hybrid staff.

Five top tips for communicating with your remote and hybrid staff

1. Make it personal

Your employees need to have relevant information in a timely way, to allow them to successfully undertake their work. But remember personalisation is key. Personalised information brings the human connection to communication, making it more meaningful, memorable, and impactful.

So, make sure you deliver a personalized intranet experience for every employee. It involves showing the updates, news, and information that are relevant to their roles and responsibilities. Your intranet should be able to allow employees to choose the quick links they want, select the notification channels they prefer to receive, and subscribe to the content type they want to see.

2. Take an omnichannel approach

Develop a communication plan that outlines how you will communicate with your remote workforce. This plan should include the frequency and format of your communications as well as the channels you will use to reach your workforce.

Your communications matrix will depend on the size and type of company you work for – but typically you’ll need to take an omnichannel approach to comms.

You’ll need an intranet that’s available on your browser, a mobile app that can reach those who don’t have a desktop job but also for those wanting quick access on-the-go. And don’t forget about digital signage in the staff common areas, warehouses, and meeting rooms.

Furthermore, the ability to showcase intranet updates and content directly in everyday collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams is crucial. It enables employees to engage with fresh intranet content without ever leaving Teams, ensuring a steady stream of awareness and adoption organically baked into their workflows.

3. Recruit ‘Spocs’

Sometimes digital isn’t enough – and you’ll need to take a more personal approach. In larger organisations of 1000+ employees – it’s hard for internal comms to know what’s going on.

So, to find out what’s happening you’ll need the help of ambassadors – your go-to people in every department who can share their insights. These people are often known as ‘single point of contacts’ aka ‘spocs’. They’ll be your eyes and ears and can keep you up-to-date with what’s happening on the ground.

4. Develop a sense of community

To help your remote team feel more connected and engaged, consider hosting virtual team-building activities or creating social groups where employees can connect and share ideas.

Encourage feedback and engagement from your hybrid teams – this can help you to identify areas for improvement and ensure that your messages are resonating with your workforce.

5. Provide regular updates

Publishing regular updates helps to keep your remote workers stay connected and engaged. Consider sending weekly or monthly newletters, hosting virtual town hall meetings or providing regular updates on your intranet.

For inspiration, find out about how our customer Blue Triangle is communicating with its hybrid workers using Involv Intranet.

Case study: Blue Triangle, Scotland, UK

Social care organisation Blue Triangle needed a futureproof intranet that would help create connections between distributed co-workers and provide centralised access to digital workplace tools.

The Involv Intranet mobile app gives employees access to company news, documents, people directory, meetings and email wherever they are.

“A lot of our staff are out in the community. They need to access things like the people directory, phone numbers and contacts on their work phone, which they can do from the Involv app. The push notifications are also a useful way to alert staff to important updates whilst they’re on the move.”
Keara Donnachie, Communication and Engagement Manager

Find out how we can help you to keep all your colleagues Involv’d. Download our ebook for ideas, tips and tricks. Or book a demo with one of our knowledgeable team today.

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